Ultrasound in endocrinology
A genuine benefit for the patient and the practitioner
Ultrasound in anesthesia has brought many advantages. Whether in intensive care or in loco-regional anesthesia, ultrasound allows you to better orient the diagnosis in order to administer the right treatment, thus saving you precious minutes.
By visualizing the heart, you can better assess patients in “shock” and thus quickly adapt therapeutic decisions to correct the patient’s distress.
Ultrasound in endocrinology, excellent complement to palpation, enables a more recise diagnosis, leading to the best treatment, which diminishes the risk of complications.
Over and above your daily efficacy, your patients will be satisfied with the care you give, as ultrasound imaging facilitates communication between physician and patient.
We have earned their trust :
The U-Lite has revolutionized consultation in endocrinoloy. It enables both a diagnostic approach and the ability to do a fine needle aspiration biopsy in one medical consultation.
DR. LEOPOLDINE BRICAIREEndocrinologist in Paris
Thyroidien and abdominal ultrasound
Numerous advantages
In the case of diabetes, abdominal ultrasound will enable identifying peritoneal effusion and the visulization of the digestive organs (pancreas) which will give you much needed information that cannot be found through palpation.
In the case of thyroid problems, ultrasound enables you to analyze the thyroid morphology and visualize the contours of any nodules or cysts. An excellent complement to palpation, your diagnosis using ultrasound will be more reliable.

Always with you
Sonoscanner, leader in clinical ultrasound, offers personalized solutions for your clinical requirements. Our ultrasounds are equipped with a high frequency linear probe with high density captors. The image gives an unequaled resolution, with a sharpness that allows you to distinguish structures smaller than a tenth of mm.
The interface and the ergonomics of our scanners have been designed so that you can focus on your diagnosis rather than handling the device.
Our ultrasound units have also been equipped with exclusive technologies such as the TI-RADS Scoring System, allowing you to “score” a suspected thyroid cancer.

When mobility and simplicity are your daily requirements.

To cover all medical specialties while remaining easily portable.

A high-performance ultrasound station for all your examinations.
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